Checklist of PDF
files preparation
Checklist of PDF
files preparation
- Files for production are accepted in PDF format only. PDF/X file standard is recommended.
- File names. Do your filenames include proper titles (cover, interior, endpapers) that represent the purpose of the file? Example of file naming: "mymagazine_cover.pdf", "mymagazine_interior.pdf".
- File for both sides of a printed sheet must be provided even if the content on both sides is identical.
- Printing of the back side of the sheet is always done by turning the page sheetwise according to the PDF file orientation (portrait or landscape). Perfecting can only be used if it is requested in writing.
- File preparation. If your product is going to be a brochure or a book, do you know how to prepare cover layout? Do you know the spine-width of your future book?
- Trim-box. Have you set a correct trim-box (finished size) when making the document? Bleed area should not be included in the trim (finished) size of the document.
- Bleed-box. Does the file have bleed?
- Safe zone. Are important objects in the design (for example text) kept within a safe distance from the trim-box?
- Color mode and spot colors. Does your file contain only the colors that will be involved in printing?
If you answered "yes" to all of these questions, your files are most likely ready to go on production.